Can You Paint a Laminate Kitchen Cabinet? 9 Pros and Cons

Painting Laminate Kitchen Cabinet

Has your laminate kitchen cabinet become old and you just don’t want to get rid of them and would rather paint them instead?? Or do you have a laminate kitchen cabinet in a particular color that you don’t like and thinking if you can paint it? You are at the right place. I’m going to answer this exact question in this article and discuss 9 pros and cons of painting laminate kitchen cabinets to help you make an informed decision.

So can you paint a laminate kitchen cabinet? Yes, painting laminate kitchen cabinets can be done with the right preparation and using the correct type of paint. However, there are a few things that you need to know and keep in mind because painting laminate kitchen cabinets also come with some downsides like not achieving your desired result.

Pros And Cons Of Painting Laminate Kitchen Cabinets

Painting your laminate kitchen cabinet can give it a whole new look and bring life into your cabinet. This process also has some drawbacks which you need to know. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of painting laminate kitchen cabinets.

The Pros

1. It Is A Lot Cheaper To Paint Laminate Kitchen Cabinets Than To Buy

One of the biggest advantages of painting laminate kitchen cabinets is that it can save you a lot of money. If you were to replace your laminate cabinets, it would cost you a lot more money than just painting them.

If you decide to buy a completely new laminate kitchen cabinet, it would cost you thousands of dollars. If you also decide to hire a professional to design laminate kitchen cabinets, it would also cost you thousands of dollars. When you also consider the possibility of painting or refacing your kitchen cabinet, painting becomes an even more affordable option. Painting the cabinet will only cost you a fraction of the cost of buying laminate kitchen cabinets because you don’t need to replace any hardware.

If you are even up for a DIY, you can buy a can of paint from your local hardware store and paint it yourself. So as you can see, painting laminate kitchen cabinets is a lot cheaper than buying or hiring a professional to design laminate kitchen cabinets from scratch.

2. You Can Achieve Any Look That You Want

When you decide to laminate your kitchen cabinet, you are usually limited to the colors and designs that are available in the market. However, when you choose to paint laminate kitchen cabinets, you can achieve any look that you want because you can paint them in any color or design that you want as long as it is compatible with the paint type.

Also, If you are not happy with the laminate finish or color, painting your laminate kitchen cabinets is a great way to change the look of your cabinets without spending too much money. You are not limited to the laminate colors and designs that are available in the market.

3. It Is A Great Way To Restore Your Old Laminate Kitchen Cabinet

If your laminate kitchen cabinet is old and you want to give it a new lease on life, painting laminate kitchen cabinets is a great way to do that. It is also a great way to cover up any scratches or damages on the laminate surface.

Due to grease and oil spills, chemical cleaners, water, dust, and other factors, laminate surfaces can become dull over time. Painting laminate kitchen cabinets can help cover up these damages and give your laminate kitchen cabinet a new lease on life.

Many people are passionate about how their kitchen looks and will appreciate it if their kitchen cabinet looks great all the time.

4. Painting Adds An Extra Layer Of Protection To The Laminate Kitchen Cabinet

Paint laminate kitchen cabinets also act as an extra layer of protection against water, grease, and oil spills. Leaky pipes, humidity, and other factors can cause laminate kitchen cabinets to swell, warp, or discolor. Painting laminate kitchen cabinets will help protect them from these factors and extend their lifespan.

The Cons

1. Not All Paint Can Be Used For Laminate Kitchen Cabinet

One of the biggest disadvantages of painting laminate kitchen cabinets is that you cannot just use any type of paint. You need to use the right type of paint. If you don’t use the right type of paint, it will not adhere to the laminate surface and will eventually peel off.

So what type of paint can you use to paint your laminate kitchen cabinet? There are special laminate paints that you can buy from your local hardware store. These laminate paints are specifically designed to adhere to laminate surfaces. You can use oil paints, latex paints, or even epoxy-based paints for laminate surfaces.

2. It Is a Time-Consuming Process

Painting laminate kitchen cabinets is not as easy as you think. It is a lot of work because you need to remove all the doors, hardware, and drawers from the cabinet and then sand down the laminate surface to prep it for painting. Sanding the laminate surface will help the paint to adhere to the laminate surface. After sanding, you need to apply a primer and then paint the laminate kitchen cabinet.

This is a time-consuming process and you need to have patience while painting laminate kitchen cabinets. If you rush the process, the paint will not adhere to the laminate surface and will eventually peel off or you may not get the desired result.

3. You Might Not Achieve The Desired Result

One of the biggest disadvantages of painting laminate kitchen cabinets is that you might not achieve the desired result. This is because laminate surfaces are very smooth and it is hard to get a smooth paint finish on laminate surfaces. If you are not careful, you might end up with a streaky or uneven paint finish.

You might want to achieve a particular design pattern, style, or color but you might not be able to achieve it if you don’t have the right skills and knowledge. Painting laminate kitchen cabinets is not for everyone. You need to have the right skills, knowledge, and patience to achieve the desired result.

4. It Can Be Messy

Painting laminate kitchen cabinets is a messy process because you need to sand the laminate surface before painting it. This will create a lot of dust and you need to be careful not to inhale the dust.

Also, when you are painting the laminate kitchen cabinet, there is a chance that the paint might splash on your clothes or on the floor. You need to be careful while painting laminate kitchen cabinets.

5. You Need To Be Careful While Cleaning

One of the disadvantages of painting laminate kitchen cabinets is that you need to be careful while cleaning them. You cannot use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on painted laminate surfaces. You need to use gentle cleaners and a soft cloth to avoid damaging the painted laminate surface. Paints can easily be scratched or chipped off laminate surfaces

In conclusion, painting laminate kitchen cabinets has its pros and cons. You need to decide if painting laminate kitchen cabinets is the right choice for you based on your needs and preferences.

David A. Morris

Home On Point is owned by David Morris. I am a real estate professional and a huge fan of beautiful homes. I like researching ways to keep homes shining at all times and I am excited to share them as I learn along.

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