Can Drain Cleaners Make A Clog Worse? [A Must Know]

Pouring drain cleaner granules in sink

The majority of Americans quickly reach for drain cleaners when they notice their drains are slow or clogged. I mean, it may be the easiest way to solve the problem. However, have you considered the fact that the drain cleaner may be why your clogged drain keeps getting worse?

Indeed, drain cleaners can make a clog worse especially if you do not give the drain cleaner enough time to work or too much time to work. Also, incorrect use of a drain cleaner can make your clogged drain worse.

What Happens When You Add Drain Cleaner to A Clogged Sink Drain?

There are three types of drain cleaners. Though they are all supposed to achieve the same result – unclog a drain- they work in different ways.

Firstly, when you add oxidizing drain cleaners to a clogged sink, they pick up electrons from the particles blocking the drain and produce gas and heat to dissolve those same particles, thereby unclogging the drain.   

Caustic drain cleaners, almost similarly, give out electrons that get attached to the particles blocking the drain, leading to a reaction that dissolves the particles.

Acidic drain cleaners, on the other hand, in simple terms, burn the particles causing the sink blockage.

When you add drain cleaners to your clogged sink drain, it is supposed to clear any obstructions in the drain that was previously not allowing the free draining of water.

However, the drain cleaner will only work if those obstructions can be dissolved by the drain cleaner. Otherwise, you will be using the drain cleaner too often and the problem will persist.

Why Is the Clog Worse After Using a Drain Cleaner?

If your sink drain is indeed blocked by grease, hair, and food particles, then, after using the drain cleaner, it should be unclogged. If the clog is worse, it may be due to one or more of the reasons stated below.

1. Incorrect Use of Drain Cleaner

After finding out the components of any drain cleaner, it is essential to read the directions of use. If you skip reading the directions of use, you are likely to use the drain cleaner incorrectly.

If you measure too little or more of the drain cleaner per application, you may end up making the clog worse.

Again, for the solid and powdery drain cleaners, if you do measure and mix them correctly in proportion to water, they may make the clog worse.

2. Wrong Timing

Once again, the need to read the label of the drain cleaner is highlighted. If you add a drain cleaner to your sink drain and it gets worse, there is the likelihood that you were too impatient to wait for the stipulated time to elapse or you waited too long.

For some of the drain cleaners, waiting too long will make the particles blocking the drain harden up and worsen the clog. If you do not wait long enough after adding a drain cleaner, it will not work at all and end up worsening the clog.

How Long Does It Take For Drain Cleaners To Start Working?

Typically, drain cleaners begin working the moment they reach the sink drain. However, most of them usually need at least 15 minutes to completely get the work done.

It is however important to read the label of any drain cleaner before use as some may need you to leave and allow 30 minutes to an hour to work.

Other drain cleaners should even be left for more than an hour overnight for them to work effectively. If after that length of time, the sink drain is still clogged, then other alternatives must be used.

For accurate timing, always check the instructions that came with it.

Can You Leave Drain Cleaners Overnight To Remove A Clog In Your Sink Drain?

If the clog in your drain sink is tough, you may be tempted to leave the drain cleaner in your sink drain overnight, in the hopes of getting the problem fixed. However, not all drain cleaners can be left overnight to remove clogs.

You can only leave a drain cleaner overnight to remove a clog in your sink drain if the directions for use say so. If you go contrary to the instructions on the label, you may end up making the clog worse or even damaging your pipes.

Best Alternative Ways To Remove Clogs In Your Sink Drain

As much as most drain cleaners are safe to use and effective in the home, they are not the only way to remove clogs in your sink drain. Here are other alternatives.

1. Using Hot water

It is recommended to wash down your sink drain with some hot water at the end of the day especially if used multiple times during the day.

Pouring hot water down your drain after the day’s use is a way of removing clogs in your sink drain. This can also be done weekly or monthly depending on how frequently the sink is used.

2. Using a Plunger

Another alternative way to remove a clog from your sink drain is to use a plunger. Pour enough water into the sink and cover the sink drain with the plunger. Start plunging up and down for 15 – 30 seconds. This will help loosen any clog and you can wash it further down with water.

3. Using Homemade Drain Cleaner

You can also make your drain cleaner at home using baking soda and distilled vinegar or lemon juice. Pour a quantity of both ingredients down the drain and follow it up with hot water to remove a clog from your sink drain.

4. Call A Plumber

Unless it is a simple clog, your best bet will be to call a plumber. Of course, if you have some plumber tools, you can do this yourself. The plumber is likely to start with a plumber’s snake and/or may end up disassembling your pipes to check the insides properly to know what is clogging the drain.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, drain cleaners can make a clog worse. This will happen if you use the drain cleaner incorrectly by using too much or too little. Again, a clog can get worse if you apply the drain cleaner and don’t wait long enough for it to work and wait too long before flushing it out with water.

David A. Morris

Home On Point is owned by David Morris. I am a real estate professional and a huge fan of beautiful homes. I like researching ways to keep homes shining at all times and I am excited to share them as I learn along.

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