The Easiest Way To Fix Cracks In Laminate Countertops

Cracks in laminate countertop

I can imagine the horrid look on your face when you notice a crack in your laminate countertop. I am sure you will begin to wonder how that happened and if at all you can get it fixed. Laminate countertops, like any other countertop material, are susceptible to damage. The onus, therefore, lies on you to prevent it from happening or at least, delay it.

If there is a crack in your laminate countertop and you would like to know how to fix it, you are at the right place. In this article, I will take you through some of the possible causes of the cracks, how to fix them, and prevent them from recurring.

What Causes Laminate Countertops To Crack?

If you have no idea how the crack in your laminate countertop got there, I’m sure you are curious to know what could have happened. Below are some of the possible culprits for why your laminate countertop has cracked.

1. Aging

A primary reason why your laminate countertop may have cracks is aging. Yes, your laminate countertop may be tired. If that laminate countertop has been installed for a long time, it may just have given in to wear and tear, resulting in a crack or cracks.

Your laminate countertop’s constant usage over time will certainly have a toll on it, subjecting it to damages, including cracks.

2. Impact Damage

Whenever your laminate countertop takes a hit from heavy objects, it is more than likely to develop a crack. Sometimes the object doesn’t necessarily need to be heavy but sharp objects as well. For example, when you accidentally drop a knife from a distance up and it hits your laminate countertop with the pointed tip, it can begin the crack.

3. Poor Installation

Another reason why your laminate countertop may have cracked is that it was not properly installed, to begin with. To install a laminate countertop, you need to employ the services of a professional.

The work of this person will be to ensure that the properly measured and cut laminate countertop is adequately supported to prevent sags and bends. Again, he will ensure that the laminate countertop’s adhesive application is done right, and the edges sealed accordingly.

Failure to ensure all these are done correctly can result in cracks and other damages earlier than expected.

4. Poor Maintenance

If you do not have a proper maintenance culture in place when it comes to your laminate countertop, you can cause it to develop cracks. Among the care instructions attached to using laminate countertops, desist from using harsh chemicals to clean them and do not place excessively heavy on them.

Also, if you are fond of cutting your stuff directly on your laminate countertop instead of using cutting boards, it is likely to develop cracks sooner than you imagine. Cracks could also develop with time if you place hot utensils and cooking equipment directly on your laminate countertop.

How To Fix Cracks In Laminate Countertops

Items needed:

  • Solvent cleaner
  • Paper towel
  • Putty knife
  • Filler
  • Piece of cardboard

The Process

If you would like to fix the cracks in your laminate countertop yourself, you can follow these simple steps. If this is beyond you, get a professional involved.

1. Clean The Countertop

Apply a small amount of the solvent cleaner on the paper towel and thoroughly clean the surface of the countertop. Pay particular attention to the damaged area and the immediate surrounding area because that is where you will be doing the repair work.

Allow the solvent to dry completely before proceeding with the repair.

2. Read the Instructions

Before beginning to fill the crack or cracks, make sure to read the instruction on the filler’s packaging. It will give you insight into how to apply the laminate filler and how long you should leave it to cure or dry plus any helpful tips.

3. Fill The Crack

There are several fillers out there and you can use any of them. A popular one is SEAMFIL. Fillers come in different colors so choose one that is closely related to the color of your laminate countertop.

Put a small amount of the filler onto the piece of cardboard and smooth out the filler with the putty knife. This process will also give the filler time to thicken a little bit before applying.

Once it has thickened enough, take the filler onto the tip of the putty knife then press it into the crack. After filling the gap, you can remove the excess filler with the putty knife and allow the filler to cure depending on the product’s recommended curing time.

4. Clean the Repaired Area

Once the filler has completely dried, put a small amount of the cleaning solvent onto the paper towel and gently clean the previously damaged area and allow it to dry completely. That’s it. Your countertop is as good as new.

How To Prevent Your Laminate Countertop From Cracking

Preventing your laminate countertop from developing cracks mostly comes down to taking proper care of them. However, other ways center on other factors.

1. Proper Installation

If your laminate countertop is properly fitted, it can prevent cracks in the future. Firstly, the laminate countertop must be cut to fit the space in which it is going to be fixed perfectly. Also, during installation, you must ensure that the laminate countertop has adequate support to prevent sagging and bending, which may lead to cracks in the future.

Moreover, applying the laminate countertop’s adhesive must be done right and the edges sealed to prevent the absorption of moisture into the countertop which will eventually cause cracks.

2. Use The Right Cleaning Products

Taking proper care of your laminate countertop can help prevent cracks. You must not use harsh chemicals and abrasive materials while cleaning your laminate countertop. Instead, use mild detergents and soft sponges or cloths.

Using these rather will prevent your laminate countertop from wearing off quickly which could lead to cracks.

3. Avoid Direct Contact With Heat

To prevent your laminate countertop from cracking do not place hot objects directly on it. If you must put your hot utensils and cooking equipment on your laminate countertop, remember to use heat-resistant countertop protectors such as hot pads, trivets, racks, or napkins to create a barrier between the object and the countertop.

Continuous exposure to these hot or extreme temperatures can cause your laminate countertop to swell up and eventually crack sooner than expected.

4. Avoid Excessive Weights

Some of us are used to grouping some kitchen appliances and tools at certain portions of our countertops. If you have laminate countertops, be sure not to over-burden particular portions of the countertops with this equipment.

Instead, distribute the weight on the countertop. If certain portions of the laminate countertop carry too much weight, those portions may begin to crack with time.

5. Avoid Contact with Sharp Objects

Another way to prevent your laminate countertop from cracking is by making sure it does not encounter sharp objects, particularly knives. When you need to chop ingredients for cooking, make sure you use a cutting board to avoid scraps on the surface of your laminate countertop. Knife marks will eventually contribute to cracks in your laminate countertop.

Final Words

To conclude, bear in mind that laminate countertops are susceptible to damage, which includes cracks. Though aging can cause wear and tear and therefore cracks in your laminate countertop, other factors like poor installation, improper care, and maintenance can also contribute.

Fixing these cracks that may have developed in your laminate countertop requires you to follow some simple steps, but you can get a professional to do it on your behalf. Once the problem is solved, be sure to avoid doing the things that caused the problem in the first place.

David A. Morris

Home On Point is owned by David Morris. I am a real estate professional and a huge fan of beautiful homes. I like researching ways to keep homes shining at all times and I am excited to share them as I learn along.

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