Can You Paint A Chrome Faucet? (How-To Guide)

Chrome faucet

Sink faucets come in different materials, finishes, and colors. Chrome faucets are among the most common type of faucets. It is low maintenance, durable, and has a highly reflective finish. When painting a chrome faucet, it is necessary to use the proper type of paint and painting method to achieve a long-lasting finish.

If your chrome faucet is starting to look a little bit dated, you may be wondering if it’s possible to paint it.

The answer is yes, you can paint over a chrome faucet with a color of your choosing. To do so successfully will require a bit of sanding and priming.

Chrome faucets are very durable but not impervious to scratches and nicks. With time they can become dull and lose their luster. While you may be tempted to purchase a new faucet when it’s time for an update, painting over it can give you the same result.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of painting your chrome faucet and give you a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Benefits Of Painting Chrome Faucets

Painting your chrome faucet can be a great way to achieve the following benefits:

1. Cover up scratches, nicks, and other imperfections

Chrome faucets develop scratches and suffer some deterioration as a result of usage over a period of time. Scratches, nick, and other deterioration on chrome faucets happen due to simple wear and tear. They can also come about when harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners are used on the finish. Applying a fresh layer of paint can help cover up these imperfections and give your faucet a new lease on life.

2. Change the color of your faucet to match a new decorating scheme

Your chrome faucets might be in good condition but you just want to change the look to match a new decorating scheme. painting your faucet allows you to do just that without having to replace it. You are not limited to one color either, you can paint your faucet any color you want to achieve the look you are going for.

Painting your faucet is also a great way to add a pop of color to an otherwise neutral bathroom or kitchen space.

3. Give an old faucet a fresh, new look

If you have an old chrome faucet that you wouldn’t want to get rid of because of its design, antique nature, or some personal sentiments, painting it can give it a fresh breath. It can take an old, outdated faucet and turn it into something modern and stylish.

4. Save money by painting rather than replacing your faucet

Replacing your old faucet with a new one can be costly. If you’re looking for ways to save money, painting your faucet is a great option. It’s a fraction of the cost of purchasing and installing a new faucet. It is a budget-friendly way to achieve the same results as replacing your faucet.

When replacing a faucet, you need to take into account the cost of purchasing the new faucet, as well as the cost of installation. painting a faucet doesn’t require any special skills or tools, so you can do it yourself and save even more money. You only need to purchase your primer and paint which wouldn’t cost as much as a new faucet and you are good to go.

How To Paint A Chrome Faucet

Painting a chrome faucet is not as difficult as it might seem. With the proper painting supplies and a little time on your hands, you can achieve great results. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to paint a chrome faucet:

Things You’ll Need:

  • 220 grit sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • Painter’s tape
  • Primer
  • Paint
  • Clear enamel
  • Degreaser
  • Wood pegs
  • Empty box
  • Protective nose covering


Step 1

Turn off the water supply to your faucet. This is important because you don’t want water to spring out when you remove the faucet. If you plan not to remove the faucet, you don’t want water getting in the way when you’re applying the paint.

Step 2

Use a wrench to unscrew the mounting nuts that hold the faucet in place and remove the faucet from the sink.

Some people prefer not to remove the faucet and just paint over it in situ. If you choose to do this, make sure you completely cover the sink with plastic and top or something similar to prevent paint from getting where it’s not supposed to.

But I prefer to remove the faucet and undertake the painting job outside because I don’t want the fumes from the painting process indoors, plus it makes applying the paint a whole lot easier.

When unscrewing, remember to cover the drain holes so no small parts will fall in and get lost, and keep them in a secure location.

Step 3

Once the faucet is out, use a degreaser to clean the surface. This will remove any dirt, soap scum, or grease that’s on the surface.

Step 4

Use the 220-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the entire surface of the chrome faucet. This will help create a favorable surface for the primer and paint to adhere to.

After sanding, wipe off the faucet with a tack cloth to remove any dust particles.

Step 5

Poke holes in the box and place the wood pegs inside. This will be used to hold the chrome faucet and handles while painting so you can paint all sides evenly without having to touch them.

Put the faucet and the handles on the pegs and make sure they’re secure.

Step 6

Put on a protective nose covering to avoid inhaling the fumes. This is critical for the steps that follow. You want to give your chrome faucet a great look but not at the expense of your health. The fumes from the primer and spray can cause respiratory problems if inhaled for a prolonged period.

Step 7

Using a primer as a base coat, spray it evenly over the entire surface of the chrome faucet. Apply it in a sweeping motion until it is completely covered and allow it to dry for the recommended time indicated on the can.

You can apply more than one coat of primer if necessary but always allow time between coats for it to dry.

Remember you are painting only the outside surface of the faucet so don’t worry about painting the inside or any other areas that won’t be visible.

Steps 8

Now that the primer is dry, it’s time to start painting the faucet with a paint of your choice. Just like with the primer, use a sweeping motion to apply the paint evenly over the faucet. Allow the paint to dry by following the dry time indicated on the can.

You might need to apply more than one coat of paint to achieve the desired results. If you do, make sure there is adequate dry time in between coats.

Step 9

Spray clear enamel over the entire surface of the faucet to protect the paint job. This will also give it a nice shine. Apply it the same way as you did the primer and paint.

Step 10

Allow the clear enamel to dry and cure completely before reattaching the faucet to the sink. This usually takes 24-48 hours.

Reattach the painting faucet to the sink using the mounting nuts. Make sure they are tight so there won’t be any leaks from your faucet.

Turn on the water supply and voila! You now have a newly painted chrome faucet that looks amazing.


There will come a time when you will consider replacing your faucet. While this will happen someday, painting your faucet can be a great way to reface your faucet without the need to replace it. As you can see, painting a chrome faucet is not that difficult and can be done in a few hours. Plus, you get to choose the color that you want. So, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to change the look of your faucet, painting it might be the way to go.

With this guide, you can have a great-looking faucet in no time. Just make sure to follow the steps carefully and take your time. painting a faucet is not a race. Rushing through it will only result in a poor job.


Q: Is it safe to spray paint faucets?

A: Yes, spray painting your faucet is perfectly safe as long as you take the necessary precautions. Make sure to wear a protective nose mask and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the fumes. Also because you are spray painting the outside of the faucets, there is no need to worry about painting the inside.

Q: Can I skip the primer when painting faucets?

A: No, you should not skip the primer. The primer helps to create a smooth surface for painting and ensures that the paint job will last.

Q: How long do painted faucets last?

A: Painted faucets can last for many years as long as you take care of them. Clean them regularly and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the paint.

Q: Can I use regular paint on my faucet?

A: You can but it is not recommended. Regular paint does not have the same durability as spray paint and is more likely to chip and peel over time.

Q: What paint will stick to chrome faucets?

A: Any type of paint will stick to chrome faucets but we recommend using spray paint specifically designed for painting metal. These paints have a better chance of adhering to the surface and lasting longer.

Q: Can you paint the chrome faucet gold?

A: Yes, you can paint your chrome faucet any color you want.

David A. Morris

Home On Point is owned by David Morris. I am a real estate professional and a huge fan of beautiful homes. I like researching ways to keep homes shining at all times and I am excited to share them as I learn along.