Can You Use Magic Eraser On Stainless Steel Sink? Must Know

Cleaning stainless steel sink

The kitchen sink can be one of the dirtiest places in your home. It’s constantly filled with dishes, pots, and pans – not to mention all of the food particles that get stuck in the drain. So it’s no surprise that over time, your stainless steel sink can start to look a little…well, grungy.

There are many ways to clean your stainless steel sink but not every method is created equal. For example, using a magic eraser on your sink may seem like a good idea but can you use it?

The simple answer is no. Magic erasers are deceptively abrasive and can actually damage the finish on your stainless steel sink. Although they are effective cleaners, they will dull your stainless steel sink and therefore should not be used.

To throw more light on why magic erasers shouldn’t be used on stainless steel sinks, let’s first talk about what magic erasers are and how it functions.

What Is A Magic Eraser?

A magic eraser is a small, rectangular piece of foam that’s about the size of a bar of soap. It’s made from melamine resin, a synthetic material used in many different products like plastics, laminates, and adhesives.

This foam is incredibly dense and when it’s wet, it expands and becomes even more porous. This increase in porosity is what makes magic erasers so effective at cleaning.

They can be used to remove stains from all sorts of surfaces like walls, floors, countertops, and even clothing. But just because they’re good at cleaning doesn’t mean that they should be used on everything.

How Does A Magic Eraser Work?

A magic eraser works by absorbing dirt and grime into its pores. When you rub the foam over a dirty surface, the dirt and grime get trapped in the tiny pores and are lifted away from the surface.

The melamine resin is the abrasive or scraper, which helps to scrub away stubborn stains, and the air bubbles act as a kind of sponge that absorbs the dirt and grime.

Why Magic Eraser Is Not Good For Stainless Steel Sinks

As indicated earlier, using magic eraser on your stainless steel sink is not a good idea. Here are some reasons why:

1. Magic Eraser Will Dull Your Sink

Magic erasers are quite harsh, meaning they can strip away the protective coating on your sink. This coating is what gives your sink its shine and luster, and without it, your sink will become dull and lackluster. You may not get the shiny glossy finish that you’re looking for, even worse you will destroy the natural shine of your stainless steel sink when magic eraser is used on your stainless steel sink. If you have a brushed finish sink, the abrasiveness will also cause the bristles to fray and become less effective.

2. Magic Eraser Will Leave Scratch Marks On Your Sink

Magic erasers are made from a synthetic material that is quite abrasive. This abrasiveness is what gives magic erasers their cleaning power but it also means that they can damage your sink. They can leave small scratches on the surface of your stainless steel sink. These scratches may not be visible at first but over time, they will become more noticeable.

3. It’s Not Necessary

Magic erasers are not necessary to clean your stainless steel sink. There are many other cleaning products on the market that will do a better job without damaging your sink.

Alternatives To Magic Eraser For Cleaning Stainless Steel Sinks

If you’re looking for a stainless steel sink cleaner that won’t damage your sink, there are other different options that will do the work just fine. You can use any of the following methods:

  • Dish soap and warm water
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda and lemon juice

Using Dish Soap And Warm Water To Clean Stainless Steel Sink

This is the simplest method of cleaning your stainless steel sink. All you need is some dish soap and warm water.

Start by wetting a clean cloth or sponge with warm water. Add a few drops of dish soap to the cloth or sponge and then rub it over the surface of your sink along the grain. Do not use a scouring pad as it will damage your sink. Use only a soft non-abrasive sponge or foam.

Rinse the soap off with clean warm water and dry your sink with a soft cloth. You can also use a microfiber cloth to prevent streaks and water spots.

Using White Vinegar To Clean Stainless Steel Sink

White vinegar is another excellent choice for cleaning your stainless steel sink. Its gentle acidic nature makes it effective at cutting through grease and grime.

You’ll Need The Following:

  • A soft cloth or micro fiber cloth
  • Soft sponge
  • White vinegar


Step 1

mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a bowl.

Step 2

Soak the soft sponge into the mixture and then rub it over the surface of your sink. Make sure you cover the entire surface of the sink and leave no spots untouched.

Allow the vinegar to sit on the sink for about 10 minutes to loosen the dirt and grime.

Step 3

After 10 minutes, use the soft sponge to scrub the sink in the direction of the grain. Do not apply extreme pressure while scrubbing. Just a little pressure is enough and the vinegar will do most of the work.

Step 4

Rinse the sink with clean water and then dry it with a soft cloth or microfiber cloth.

Using Baking Soda And Lemon Juice To Clean Stainless Steel Sink

Baking soda is a natural gentle abrasive that can be used to scrub away dirt and grime. When mixed with lemon juice, it makes an effective cleaning solution for stainless steel sinks. The lemon juice does the additional job of sanitizing and disinfecting the sink.

You’ll Need The Following:

  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Non-abrasive pad
  • Liquid soap
  • Soft cloth


Step 1

Make sure your sink is not totally dry. If it is, wet it slightly with some water.

Step 2

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the surface of your sink. Use the soft sponge to rub the baking all over the surface of the sink.

Step 3

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the baking soda. This will create a foaming action. Use the cut lemon halves to scrub the sink surface and allow the mixture to sit on the sink for about 15 minutes.

Step 4

After 15 minutes, wash the sink with clean water. Then pour some liquid soap over the surface of the sink and use a non-abrasive pad to clean over the entire surface. This will remove any residue left behind by the baking soda and lemon juice.


Rinse off the soap with clean water and then dry your sink with a soft cloth to prevent streaks and water spots.

Final Words

So, there you have it. The answer to the question, can you use magic eraser on stainless steel sink is a resounding no. The problem with using a magic eraser on your stainless steel sink is that it’s just too abrasive just like using oven cleaners on a stainless sink.

If you’re looking for a way to clean your stainless steel sink, we recommend using a gentle cleaning solution and a soft cloth instead. This will help to preserve the finish on your sink and prevent any scratches. Thanks for reading.

David A. Morris

Home On Point is owned by David Morris. I am a real estate professional and a huge fan of beautiful homes. I like researching ways to keep homes shining at all times and I am excited to share them as I learn along.

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